Briski Consulting, LLC
We help businesses become more successful.


General Management Activities

Provided strategic guidance, leadership and mentoring.


Reviewed, created and/or suggest changes to business documents such as business plans, marketing/sales plans, go to market strategies, engineering development schedules and planning, etc.


Conducted strategic planning sessions, busines development activities and budget preparation.


Managed sub-contractors and suppliers to ensure timely delivery of products and no interruption to the manufacturing plan.


Conceptualized and coordinated the use of innovative software tools to assist with strategy meetings and to provide strategic leadership and direction for client product planning.


Developed and wrote computer tracking tools and models to aid in sales forecasting and customer tracking.


Program Manager on many critical programs. One of which was successfully completed in Europe in eight weeks versus the typical six months for this type of program.


Assembled and managed a cross-functional, multi-national team (Engineering, Operations, Manufacturing, Finance, etc.) located in two countries and three locations, to deliver an advanced airborne electronics system in less than one year. Similar system typically take six or more years to develop.


Directed the implementation of a global airline product support network.


Managed and provided leadership to product development, engineering, manufacturing, operations and sales teams to consistently bring in programs ahead of schedule and below budget.


Teach classes internationally to Aeronautical Masters Degree program students in Brazil.


  • Getting programs back on track and on schedule
  • Developing Strategic Plans that can actually be converted into Tactical Reality
  • Vendor Oversight
  • Coordination of multiple sites in different countries
  • Optimizing Communication Pathways
  • Instilling pride, ownership and teamwork
  • Earned Value Management